Welcome to The Official Page of Olivia Beaumont
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One sunny morning, as the meadow came alive with the songs of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves, Miss Marigold set out on a journey. As she made her way through the meadow, Miss Marigold encountered all manner of creatures – from busy ants to sleepy rabbits. But she pressed on, her determination unwavering as she followed the path laid out before her.
Clutching a delicate stalk of lily of the valley in her tiny paw, she ventured into the field of mushrooms that stretched out before her...
Size: 8x10"
Frame Dimensions: 16 1/4" x 14 1/4" x 1"
Medium: Oil on panel
Display: Wire hung
All artwork is the sole property of Olivia Beaumont and is held in copyright even after purchase. The images, artwork, and content may not be copied in any way without consent from the owner.
Photography: Paprika Southern, LLC www.PaprikaSouthern.com